
Splash9ja Introduces New Platform Called “The Big Shot”


The management of Eagles House Global Resources, the official owners of the SPLASH9JA Brand (TV,Online, Magazine & Radio) has announced a new platform called “THE BIG SHOT”.

THE BIG SHOT is a Splash9ja.org MONTHLY EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW for CEOs, Directors, Inventors, Founders, Celebrities, Brand Influencers, Top Government Officials, Serial Entrepreneurs, Legends, Religious Leaders, Content/Entertainment Creators, Politicians, High Net Worth Individuals etc.

In the word of the Publisher/Executive Producer of the Splash9ja Brand, Alayande Stephen T., he said, “we are grateful to God for the opportunity for this new initiative to further creatively and positively engage different industries, the public and the society at large. The idea is to have an exclusive and never-like before interviews/engagement with the shortlisted 12 individuals in a calendar year on the podium of THE BIG SHOT, thereby creating impact, knowledge and value as it were. A special team are saddled with the responsibility of the selection process of the individuals for this project. Importantly, such individuals must have impacted his or her industry and still impacting the society positively before the shortlist “, he postulated.

At the End of the Year, the 12 Personalities will be invited to be part of SPLASH9JA ANNUAL GIG where they will be admitted into the PODIUM of THE BIG SHOT. More details on this will be given as at the appropriate time.
THE BIG SHOT will be debuting on October 9th, 2023 on the www.splash9ja.org website by 10.00am and on Splash9ja TV Programme across the country. Don’t miss it.

Reach us on info@splash9ja.org or splash9ja@gmail.com. Call or send message via 08029042357 for further enquiries.

The Big Shot … For impact, knowledge and value.



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